
Chemically, 4-AD is closer to testosterone than androstenediol (1-AD), and it acts as a weak potential agonist of the androgen receptor. On its own, 4-Androstenediol does not have a prominent androgen receptor binding affinity, but as a prohormone it converts to testosterone via the enzyme 3-beta hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (3bHSD). Interestingly, although its bioavailability is fairly poor, it is still better than that of 1-AD (1-Androstenedione).

Furthermore, just like in the case of 1-AD its half-life is also relatively short. This means that large and frequent doses will be required to see the anabolic effect from 4-AD. Due to the fact that 4-AD is usually referred to as a “wet” compound, it is used more often in bulking cycles, rather than the cutting ones.


Note; dosage information is only for scientific reference purposes. SARMs Central, does not condone the human consumption or use of this substance outside of a controlled scientific environment (i.e. a lab).

An average dose for a standalone 4-AD cycle would be 1000 milligrams (mg) or more, divided into 3 separate doses. Thanks to the short half-life, users report an immediate boost in aggression and strength. Because of this, it is a great idea to plan one of your doses just before training. In order to increase its absorption rate it is recommended to take 4-AD with a meal containing fat, since it is non-methylated and has a poor bioavailability.

Potential Side Effects

4-AD has moderate estrogenic and androgenic side effects, as it converts to testosterone, and testosterone can convert to both DHT and estrogen. Additionally, 4-AD on its own can also convert to an androgen called androstenediol. Consequently, at the high doses required to get the desired effects from this compound, certain side effects can become a concern. Some of these include gynecomastia, hair loss, and acne. Nonetheless, the estrogenic side effects of 4-AD are easy to control with the use of an aromatase inhibitor (AI), such as aromasin or arimidex. Since 4-AD is not methylated, there is no risk of stress on the liver.

About Author

Calvin Ramos

Calvin Ramos is a dedicated research and fitness enthusiast with a passion for helping individuals achieve their health and wellness goals. With years of experience in the fitness industry and a deep commitment to staying up-to-date with the latest research and developments in the field, Calvin brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to his articles. As a fitness coach and nutrition specialist, Calvin has helped countless clients transform their lives through personalized training programs and evidence-based dietary recommendations. He holds a Bachelor's degree in Exercise Science and Nutrition from University and is certified in personal training and sports nutrition. Calvin's writing reflects his commitment to providing accurate and trustworthy information to empower readers on their fitness journeys. He believes in the power of education and strives to make complex fitness concepts accessible to everyone. His articles are thoroughly researched, drawing on the latest scientific studies and expert insights. When he's not writing or coaching, you can find Calvin in the gym, experimenting with new workout routines, or exploring the latest advancements in fitness technology. His dedication to the field of fitness and wellness is evident in his articles, which aim to inspire and inform readers on their path to a healthier, happier life.